…and I’m back!

Happy New Year everyone!  It’s been a while (or more like forever) since I’ve posted.  Last year was a whirlwind to say the least.  I moved back home from Salt Lake, lost my mother and bought a house. Needless to say it was a rough year, and I lost sight of what I love the most – food blogging.  So what better time to pick back up where I left off than in the new year?  My number one (I have many) resolution is to focus more on myself.  This may sound selfish, but it isn’t meant to be.  I finally realized that I was losing parts of me that I once loved.  I stopped writing, working out (don’t get me wrong – this has never consistent, ha!), even cooking as much as I used to.  But, not anymore!  So thank you for not giving up on me.  Because I’m here.  And I’m here to stay.

Harry & Izzy’s, Downtown Indy

While visiting Indianapolis for a trade show (work-related), I was determined to find a good steak.  Not sure why I had steak on the brain, probably because I had come from the East Coast where I got my fill of seafood and it was time for some red meat!  I fell upon Harry & Izzy’s, a steakhouse in downtown Indy, checked out the menu and was sold.
I kicked it all off with the Spicy Asian Rock Shrimp, hand-breaded and tossed in a chili aioli and they were MOUTH WATERING.  If you have ever had the firecracker shrimp at P.F. Chang’s they reminded me of those, but better, plumper – and there were a ton!  The shrimp were served in a tortilla “bowl” and literally overflowing onto the plate.  They were tender and juicy and spicy and delectable and everything in-between.
Onto the red meat…ahhhh…an 8 oz. filet mignon cooked to more of a medium rare than medium (as ordered) but, I was kind of banking on the fact it would be under cooked and my plan came to fruition perfectly.  It was cooked just how I like it – with a warm red center.  I had one choice of side and went with the grilled asparagus and let me just say they did not hold back on that portion either – I have never seen so much asparagus in my life!
Ok I indulged a little and ordered an additional side – house-made onion rings.  They were thin and tender and just the way real house-made onion rings should be (opposed to those giant, thick-cut heavily drenched onion rings so many places serve).  These were lightly fried and not overly greasy.  Served with a couple sides of ketchup, they hit the spot.
If you are in the mood for a good steak and in the Indianapolis area, Harry & Izzy’s will not disappoint. Just keep in mind when ordering your steak that it may arrive a bit underdone, so order up if you feel so inclined.
Note: A few doors down from Harry & Izzy’s you will find St. Elmo Steak House – a sister restaurant to Harry & Izzy’s, which I have also heard great things about.  The difference? Harry & Izzy’s has a more casual, updated environment.
Harry & Izzy’s
153 South Illinois Street
Indianapolis, IN

Guilt-free Cauliflower Crust Pizza!

I love pizza (if you haven’t realized that already), but I always feel slightly guilty after eating it because, well, let’s be honest – is it even remotely good for you?  I guess if you order a veggie topping you get some sort of nutritious value out of it, but otherwise it’s just crust, tomato sauce, cheese, meat, more cheese, etc.

That is why I was ECSTATIC to find a recipe for Cauliflower Crust Pizza!!!  I know I know, it sounds funky, but give me a chance to explain: Cauliflower seems to be quite the rage lately.  Most people know you can make a guilt-free version of mashed potatoes using cauliflower, but now people are taking it a few steps further – substituting french fries for roasted cauliflower, buffalo chicken bites for a lightly breaded spicy version of roasted cauliflower, etc.  I know it all sounds a bit questionable and I had doubts too, but trust me, the pizza is really tasty!  And best of all, it’s easy!

Take a head of cauliflower and cut it into florets (removing the hard center).  Place the florets in a food processor and pulse until about the size of a grain of rice.  Microwave for seven minutes and then SQUEEZE all of the liquid out and I mean SQUEEZE!  Otherwise the dough will never firm up and you will have to use a fork and knife to eat it (which still tastes delicious, you just can’t pick it up like an actual slice of pizza).  

Both times I made this crust, I did not squeeze out enough water (I think I lose patience – gimme a break…it’s usually after work and I am starving).  So I used a fork and knife and it was still fabulous.  I like eating normal pizza with a fork and knife anyways so to me it wasn’t a big deal.

Mix in one egg, a handful of mozzarella cheese (and a little grated parm if you wish) and some spices (Pizza seasoning, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic powder, whatever your little heart desires).  Spray a baking pan (or better yet use parchment paper) and shape the “dough” whichever way you like – I did a rectangle.

Bake in a 450 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until golden brown and firm.  Be careful not to burn the bottom.
Add your sauce, cheese and toppings and broil for about five minutes…
….and VOILA!  Guilt-free Cauliflower Crust Pizza!  Nom, nom, nom – DELICIOUS!  And the best part is you will feel great after eating it!

Toast and Taste the Night Away!

Hi all!  Sincere apologies for the lack of posts – between weddings and work conferences I have been traveling for what seems like weeks.  But, I’m back and let the blogging begin!  

The Friday before my cross country travels began, I made my way over to Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar after work.  I had been reading about some 5 for $6 bar menu and I was overly eager to check it out and I am SoOoOoOoO happy I did.

You can’t beat it: Fleming’s 5 for $6 bar menu is where it’s AT (5 tempting apps, $6 each).  For such an upscale restaurant, I am actually surprised they offer such a thing, but I am really glad they do.  In other Fleming’s locations you can get $5 cocktails too, but not in Utah (BOO, but it’s the state law).  The only catch is you have to sit at the bar (which is not really a catch at all, for me at least).

Your options are: Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail, Sweet Chili Calamari, Roasted Mushroom Ravioli, Tenderloin Carpaccio, Wicked Cajun Barbecue Shrimp or The Prime Burger.  All sounded terrific and if I was with more people I would have ordered one of each, but I decided on the below:
The Sweet Chili Calamari was lightly breaded and tossed with a sweet chile sauce.  It was lightly fried, tender and the sauce was both sweet and spicy (with an added zip from the banana peppers).
The Roasted Mushroom Ravioli with portobello and shiitake mushrooms and a porcini butter sauce was out of this world.  The sauce was light and flavorful and the strips of grated parmesan cheese topped it all off perfectly.  Since this was an app, there were only three raviolis, but they were a decent size for sure.
The Prime Burger was a no-brainer.  With Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese, peppered bacon,  spicy aioli and Fleming’s signature onion rings you really seemed to get more than what you paid for (which almost never happens!).  I mean $6 for a regular size burger at a fancy steakhouse?!  I don’t think anyone would argue that is a steal.

The appetizer portions were all more than generous.  You would think portions would be reduced on a special $6 menu, but not here.  So please get over to Fleming’s, grab a seat at the bar and enjoy.  Your tastebuds (and wallet) will thank you. 

20 South 400 West (at The Gateway)
Salt Lake City, UT

A True "Gem," or should I say "Pearl?"

Forgive me.  


Because I did not take nearly enough pictures while dining at Miss Pearl’s Restaurant and Lounge in Oakland, CA and I am regretting every bite (well, not really…).  

In my defense I was at a business dinner and thought it may be semi-weird to whip out my iPhone and take pics of every single item that arrived at the table.  But, regardless of a photo or not, each course deserves a mention.

We started with the Fried Louisiana Catfish appetizer served with a cajun tartar sauce.  I don’t think I’ve ever had catfish before so I was pretty excited to give it a try.  It was lightly battered then dipped in a cornmeal coating.  I’m going to be honest here – the catfish was GREAT, but I was not a fan of the cornmeal coating.  The texture reminded me of spending the day at the beach and getting sand stuck in my teeth – a bit too gritty for me.  But, the overall flavor was definitely there.

It’s been a while since I ordered clam chowder (not something you see very often in Salt Lake and if you do – eat at your own risk) so I knew I had to give it a shot while in CA.  And clam chowder it was! With Hobbs bacon (Hobbs is a San Francisco-based meat company) and herb oil, this chowder was EAST COAST GOOD.  I slurped up every.last.bit.

I was in the mood for a quality steak – and boy did I get it.  A Grilled Flatiron Steak with roasted garlic mashed potatoes and red wine sauce.  I expected the steak to arrive looking more like a flank steak, thinly sliced at an angle, but this flatiron steak arrived looking more like a filet.  Fine with me!

It was cooked to the most perfect medium rare.  I mean look at that sear.  And the middle…it was the most beautiful warm red center I have seen in a long time.  Kudos Miss Pearl!

After the catfish, chowder and steak there is no way I was fitting in any dessert, but if I did have room I would have gone for the Mud Cake – vanilla custard, coffee ice cream and crushed pralines.  Just in case you were wondering…

Miss. Pearl’s Restaurant & Lounge
1 Broadway
Oakland, CA

West Coast, Southern BBQ

BBQ is big out here.  I like ribs, but never crave them.  They do always seem to taste pretty good once I get my hands on them though.  I’m no rib connoisseur, but I cannot imagine them getting much better than here at Famous Dave’s.  They were super meaty – just the right amount of fall of the bone and the sauce was savory, sweet and spicy all at the same time.
This is the Big Slab.  Spoken like a true Southern BBQ Restaurant, the Big Slab is “12-bones, hand-rubbed with Dave’s secret blend of tongue-tingling special spices and pit-smoked for 3-4 hours over a smoldering hickory fire. Then slathered with sauce over an open flame to seal in the Famous flavor and give them a crispy, caramelized coating.”
Famous Dave’s has quite a few different sauces depending on your taste buds.  

Rich & Sassy is Dave’s Original Recipe and what comes on the ribs –  sweet and tangy with hand-picked herbs and spices. 

But, it doesn’t end there: 

Georgia Mustard: a vinegar, brown sugar and mustard-based sauce
Texas Pit: a tangy tomato-based sauce with a black pepper kick made for slathering on brisket and chicken
Sweet & Zesty: an authentic “right out of the pit” flavor that balances citric sweetness with spirited spice 

And last, but definitely not least…

Devil’s Spit: a spicier version of the other more classic sauces (as you probably figured given the name!)
The ribs come with your choice of two sides and a corn muffin.  I chose the potato salad and baked beans – MMM MMM good.  I was really close to trying the mac n’ cheese with hints of jalapeño and other spices, but I thought it may fill me up too much and I had ribs to eat!  But, next time I may have to cave and give it a try.

Famous Dave’s
1166 East Fort Union Boulevard
Midvale, UT

Light on the Toppings Please!

I may or may not get struck down for saying this, but I don’t think The Pie Pizzeria has “Salt Lake City’s best pizza.”  I know it has won awards and if you ask any SLC local they will tell you to check this place out (yadda yadda yadda) but I’m just not a huge fan.
Did I eat four slices when I went? (And my leftovers the next day).  Well, yeah, but still.  I guess my point is if someone asked me the best place to grab a pizza, Pie would not be my number one answer.
I have had two experiences with Pie and both times the toppings were just too over the top thick – like unappealing and unappetizing thick – unless you’re into that type of stuff, which I know some people are. 
This past visit I ordered two 12″ thin crust pizzas – one half cheese half green pepper and onion and the other mushroom, feta, garlic and tomato.  Even my half of cheese had too much cheese on it.  And it cooled off super quickly (the high powered oscillating ceiling fan didn’t help).  I like my pizza “burn the roof of your mouth” hot and this pizza did not even arrive at that temp.  So once the cheese cooled off it hardened and appeared even thicker than I had originally thought.
I do like that they give the option of thin crust and it was good.  Could have been crispier, but tasty regardless.  And as for the toppings, these pics do not really show the full scope of what I am talking about, but trust me.  I like to see my cheese and sauce and not have to dig for it.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t try Pie – you should, especially if you’re a toppings fanatic.  
EEEK – I can only imagine how many people are going to disagree with me on this, but to each his own.
The Pie Pizzeria
7186 South Union Park
Midvale, UT

It’s a Drink, It’s a Dessert, It’s a WHITE RUSSIAN CUPCAKE

White.Russian.Cupcakes.  How dare they make such a combination of flavors?

While perusing Pinterest a few months back, I found this recipe (Thank you Baked Perfection. You rock).  Being my boyfriend’s favorite alcoholic beverage, I took note, bookmarked the recipe and told myself I would make him these cupcakes for his birthday.  August 9th arrived and VOILA:

Ohhh Ahhhh (you know – those ohhhs and ahhhs like you’re watching fireworks).
I don’t bake often.  And when I do I try to stay away from white sugar, copious amounts of butter, etc.  But, with this recipe, I let it all hang out!  I mean, it was a special occasion (aka an excuse to SPLURGE).  

The cupcake mixture called for your typical dry ingredients, but the wet ingredients is where it got interesting: 1/8 cup of both Kahlua and Vodka.  Yes please! 
But, that was not even the best part.  The Kahlua Buttercream frosting is where it’s at!  Three very simple ingredients: Butter, powdered sugar and Kahlua.  Yum, yum and YUM.  Oh but, there is another best part!  When the cupcakes are hot out of the oven, you brush the tops with Kahlua (reminded me a little bit of of soaking ladyfingers in expresso for tiramisu).
I don’t think I’m going to have to beg anyone to try these cupcakes.  They were everything I thought they would be and more.  

Check out Baked Perfection for the full recipe.  I wish my frosting looked as pretty as Baked Perfection’s.  Need to get myself some pastry tips ASAP!

Benihana Vegas Style

I’ve never been to a Benihana, so where better to try one than in Las Vegas!  After all, everything IS better in Vegas, right?!

If you are unfamiliar, Benihana restaurants are traditional Japanese hibachi steakhouses, which feature the Japanese cooking method known as “teppanyaki.”  Basically, you watch the chef whip up your food right then and there at your table, which is pretty cool.  Being a Benihana virgin, I was into it.  

Our server was not the greatest.  Granted there were 13 of us for a bachelorette party, but that place is known to accommodate larger groups.  It took a half hour to get drinks, she dropped off a champagne bottle and did not even open it, the list goes on, but I am not going to waste your time with that negative stuff.

On to hibachi – if you order any version of hibachi you get a soup and salad to start.  I need to give props to the soup for sure: 

It was a light, onion soup with raw mushroom slivers floating on top.  I really don’t know the official name for it, but it was so delicious.  It had the flavor of traditional onion soup, with a light, clear broth like chicken noodle soup.  You know the fried, crunchy onion “straws” some restaurants serve?  The onions in this soup reminded me of those, but a soggy version, which sounds kind of weird, but they were good.
For my entree I ordered the Hibachi Lemon Chicken – chicken breast hibachi grilled and finished with fresh lemon and a side of Hibachi Chicken Rice (the original Benihana classic) – grilled chicken, rice, egg and chopped vegetables with garlic flavored butter.  The lemon chicken was so fresh and so delicious.

But, the star of the show had to of been the Chicken Rice. I mean seriously, we are talking GARLIC BUTTER here people.  Please.  It was the best rice I have ever tasted in my life.  You really cannot go wrong with garlic or butter…individually.  So the combination of the two was just insane.  I could have eaten that and only that and been a very happy camper.  

The chef was fun, flaunting his cooking skills and proceeding to express his love for us through food (seen below).  I’m a total sucker for things like that so I thought it was cute.

My recommendation: Check out a Benihana when you can.  They are all over the country and definitely a good time, especially when dining with a group.  I just hope you get better service than we did!

3000 Paradise Rd.
Las Vegas, NV

Heaven in a Bun

Before moving to SLC in March, I came out for a long weekend in January to see if I even liked the place.  And do you want to know what I was most excited to find (literally had a small freak out session)?  

Not only are they all over the state, there is one like THREE miles from my place.  Is this real life?!
I have my father to blame/thank for this obsession.  Growing up, whenever he took us to visit relatives on the West Coast our first stop was ALWAYS In-N-Out.  And we would go more than once during any given trip.  One of the best things about this burger joint (beside their special spread) is the fact that they serve burgers, cheeseburgers, french fries and shakes.  That’s it. They know what they are good at and they stick to it.  It is, by far, the best burger EVA.  
I always always always get the cheeseburger – animal style.  Animal style is any burger of your choice with hand leafed lettuce, tomato, a mustard cooked beef patty; add pickle, extra spread and grilled onions.  The extra spread and grilled onions make this burger go from good to mouthwatering – literally.  And the FRIES…oh the fries – they are hand cut, thin and crisped up to perfection.  Just perfect.

Note: In-N-Out used to have a “secret menu,” which meant only the regulars knew how to ask for certain things in some sort of “secret language.”  But, now the secret menu is not so secret and you can find it on the In-N-Out website under “Not So Secret Menu.”  This is where you will find terms like animal style, double meat, 3×3, 4×4, grilled cheese and protein style.  Check it out here.
I cannot even think of a word to do this burger enough justice.  If you’ve been, you understand, if you haven’t been, add it to your bucket list.
In-N-Out Burger
3715 S Constitution Blvd
West Valley City, UT 84119