Light on the Toppings Please!

I may or may not get struck down for saying this, but I don’t think The Pie Pizzeria has “Salt Lake City’s best pizza.”  I know it has won awards and if you ask any SLC local they will tell you to check this place out (yadda yadda yadda) but I’m just not a huge fan.
Did I eat four slices when I went? (And my leftovers the next day).  Well, yeah, but still.  I guess my point is if someone asked me the best place to grab a pizza, Pie would not be my number one answer.
I have had two experiences with Pie and both times the toppings were just too over the top thick – like unappealing and unappetizing thick – unless you’re into that type of stuff, which I know some people are. 
This past visit I ordered two 12″ thin crust pizzas – one half cheese half green pepper and onion and the other mushroom, feta, garlic and tomato.  Even my half of cheese had too much cheese on it.  And it cooled off super quickly (the high powered oscillating ceiling fan didn’t help).  I like my pizza “burn the roof of your mouth” hot and this pizza did not even arrive at that temp.  So once the cheese cooled off it hardened and appeared even thicker than I had originally thought.
I do like that they give the option of thin crust and it was good.  Could have been crispier, but tasty regardless.  And as for the toppings, these pics do not really show the full scope of what I am talking about, but trust me.  I like to see my cheese and sauce and not have to dig for it.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t try Pie – you should, especially if you’re a toppings fanatic.  
EEEK – I can only imagine how many people are going to disagree with me on this, but to each his own.
The Pie Pizzeria
7186 South Union Park
Midvale, UT

One thought on “Light on the Toppings Please!

  1. I like your honesty! Not every pizza can be the best pizza of place X – and it's nice to hear (or in this case read) – that you didnt succumb to their repuation. And hey, not every place is going to please everyone. Your blogs are so real and down to earth, honest and fresh and that's what makes reading them so interesting. This one was NO exception.However, that first pizza DID look yummmmmy, but maybe that's because I'm an hour overdue for lunch! 😉

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