Guilt-free Cauliflower Crust Pizza!

I love pizza (if you haven’t realized that already), but I always feel slightly guilty after eating it because, well, let’s be honest – is it even remotely good for you?  I guess if you order a veggie topping you get some sort of nutritious value out of it, but otherwise it’s just crust, tomato sauce, cheese, meat, more cheese, etc.

That is why I was ECSTATIC to find a recipe for Cauliflower Crust Pizza!!!  I know I know, it sounds funky, but give me a chance to explain: Cauliflower seems to be quite the rage lately.  Most people know you can make a guilt-free version of mashed potatoes using cauliflower, but now people are taking it a few steps further – substituting french fries for roasted cauliflower, buffalo chicken bites for a lightly breaded spicy version of roasted cauliflower, etc.  I know it all sounds a bit questionable and I had doubts too, but trust me, the pizza is really tasty!  And best of all, it’s easy!

Take a head of cauliflower and cut it into florets (removing the hard center).  Place the florets in a food processor and pulse until about the size of a grain of rice.  Microwave for seven minutes and then SQUEEZE all of the liquid out and I mean SQUEEZE!  Otherwise the dough will never firm up and you will have to use a fork and knife to eat it (which still tastes delicious, you just can’t pick it up like an actual slice of pizza).  

Both times I made this crust, I did not squeeze out enough water (I think I lose patience – gimme a break…it’s usually after work and I am starving).  So I used a fork and knife and it was still fabulous.  I like eating normal pizza with a fork and knife anyways so to me it wasn’t a big deal.

Mix in one egg, a handful of mozzarella cheese (and a little grated parm if you wish) and some spices (Pizza seasoning, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic powder, whatever your little heart desires).  Spray a baking pan (or better yet use parchment paper) and shape the “dough” whichever way you like – I did a rectangle.

Bake in a 450 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until golden brown and firm.  Be careful not to burn the bottom.
Add your sauce, cheese and toppings and broil for about five minutes…
….and VOILA!  Guilt-free Cauliflower Crust Pizza!  Nom, nom, nom – DELICIOUS!  And the best part is you will feel great after eating it!

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